What the Public Needs to Know
What is Covid-19? How is it spread? What are the symptoms? 
If you think you have COVID-19, what do you do?
Want to learn more about what Indiana hospitals are doing?
The Indiana Hospital Association recently launched whyhospitals.com, a website designed to serve as a central source for information for Hoosiers, particularly the role of hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. The site includes information from clinicians around the state, highlights the heroic work being done by healthcare professionals to care for patients and provides information on how you can help. Hospitals across the state are providing information for the site, which will be updated frequently.
What are the hospital visitor restrictions?
Many hospitals and skilled nursing facilities have put in place special visitor restrictions to protect patients and the public. Hospitals have rescheduled elective outpatient surgeries and procedures, as well as put in place additional precautionary limits. Please check your local healthcare facility's website or social media for more information. Our Hoosier hospitals are doing everything they can to protect their patients, their workforce and the public while caring for those who are facing this pandemic. Please contact your health care provider for additional information or visit your hospital’s website page.
IHA Offers Guidance on Business Reopening and Testing
Business Guidance: As the Governor’s Back
on Track plan rolls out, many businesses are requesting information on safe business practices as they reopen. Businesses and employees have a key role
in preventing and slowing the spread of COVID-19 by being flexible in their business practices and responding to new information as it is made available. Find practical advice here
on how to keep your business safe and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Testing Guidelines: Testing capabilities in the state of Indiana continue to increase. Along with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and their priority
groups for testing for COVID-19, Indiana has developed recommendations for prioritizing testing in the state. Please visit here
for more information on these recommendations.
For Healthcare Professionals