Like most of our member hospitals, IHA has received numerous offers from suppliers who are manufacturing and/or providing some of the most in-demand items being used by health care workers and others leading the fight to end the COVID-19 pandemic. As a service to our members, we have begun compiling resources that fall into one of four categories. Several of the companies included are Indiana-based companies, which we appreciate and want to support whenever possible. Those suppliers appearing with an "*" are IHA Endorsed Business Partners and have been through a thorough vetting process and have a long-standing relationship with IHA and within the State of Indiana. We do NOT endorse other companies on the lists, and strongly encourage members to conduct their own due diligence. Please check back often, as we will continually update our listing. Reach out to Cathy Armold with questions.
Click on a category below to download a list of companies and products/services they have to offer.
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PLEASE NOTE: The businesses and individuals listed above (hereinafter "Suppliers" or "Supplier"), and the products and services listed above (hereinafter "Items" or "Item"), have not been interviewed, researched, or otherwise tested or reviewed by the Indiana Hospital Association ("IHA"). IHA cannot and does not confirm the integrity or competency of any Supplier, nor does the IHA confirm the safety, quality, or efficacy of any Item. The fact that a Supplier or Item is listed above SHOULD NOT be construed as any type of endorsement by IHA. IHA has given no such endorsement. IHA is listing the Suppliers and the Items above solely as a convenience to IHA members during the current public health emergency. IHA EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY OF ANY KIND arising from, or relating to, any Supplier or any Item. IHA strongly cautions hospitals and other health care providers, and all others, to conduct their own due diligence with respect to the Suppliers and the Items listed above.
Those Suppliers notated with an * are IHA Endorsed Business Partners and have been through a thorough vetting process and have a long-standing relationship with IHA and within the State of Indiana.