Venous Thromboembolism

​The risk for venous thromboembolism is universal and deadly. 

Venous Thromboembolisms (VTEs) are the most common causes of preventable hospital death, claiming approximately 100,000 lives in the U.S. each year alone. Caused by bed rest and inactivity, VTEs are preventable as long as caregivers remain aware of their constant threat. 

Through HRET's Hospital Engagement Network (HEN) 2.0, and now in the Hospital Improvement Innovation Network (HIIN), we continue working hard to empower our member hospitals with the resources necessary to prevent VTEs in their facilities. Over the last year, hospital frontline staff and leadership teams participated in educational meetings, webinars and other coaching opportunities to increase improvement capacity and provide data tracking and reporting for VTEs to encourage further awareness and monitoring. 

But a threat as ever-present as VTEs requires constant attention and renewed awareness. As part of our HIIN efforts, by September 2018, all participating hospitals will strive to reduce VTEs by at least 40 percent or maintain a rate of zero for 12 months. 

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