Measuring Financial Impact
DATABANK makes it easy for hospitals to measure the impact of staffing, marketing, patient utilization and purchasing on their financial performance. Hospitals submit data on a monthly basis, ensuring that IHA members have access to timely and accurate information when they need it.
Members can use this information to make budgeting, marketing and staffing decisions. IHA also relies upon this data in its advocacy efforts to help policymakers understand the effect of changing legislation on the quality of care at Indiana hospitals.
Submitting Information to DATABANK
It generally takes about an hour a month to share information through DATABANK. Once it is submitted, participating members can run reports immediately, including comparisons against peer hospitals. Hospitals are asked to provide the following metrics:
- Discharges by payer and level of service
- Patient days by payer and level of service
- Outpatient data
- Gross charges by payer
- Contractual adjustments by payer
- Charity care
- Operating expenses
- Other operating revenue, operating margin, net nonoperating gains, tax subsidies and total margin
- Gross patient accounts receivable
Monthly DATABANK Deadlines
Hospitals have 45 days after month-end to submit data. If IHA has not received your data by the deadline, your hospital's information will not appear on comparative reports.
Get DATABANK Access DATABANK access is available at no cost to all IHA acute-care hospital members. If you need a login or want to learn more about DATABANK, email Terry Cole or Melissa Vise.