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Dexur's automation and analytics platform delivers comprehensive solutions across multiple hospital functions including Quality, Safety, Risk, Financial, and Revenue Cycle management. Our advanced system facilitates detailed dashboard and reporting capabilities that encompass areas such as quality, clinical, risk, financial, revenue cycle, and marketing.

Services Provided:
Dexur offers automation solutions across a variety of functions and processes. The analytics platform can do detailed dashboard and reporting across quality, clinical, risk, financial, revenue cycle, marketing and other areas.

Specifically for the Quality, Safety and Risk function, Dexur offers a unified quality and risk management software that assists hospitals in improving quality, minimizing risks, and reducing costs. Our quality solutions module includes the following capabilities:

  1. Comprehensive Program-to-Case Analysis: Offering a top-to-bottom view that starts with a cross-program overview (including CMS Star Rating, Leapfrog, VBP, HRRP), then delves into specific programs (such as CMS Star Rating), further narrows down to individual domains (like Readmissions), and finally drills down to specific measures (e.g., COPD Readmissions), culminating in detailed insights at the case/event/encounter level. This approach provides a granular, holistic perspective of performance, facilitating targeted interventions and improvements.
  2. Predictions and Guidance: Hospitals will receive forecasts and advice for their CMS Star Ratings, HRRP, Leapfrog, VBP, MSPB, and other measures, looking one to three years ahead. This forward-looking perspective is crucial for strategic planning and improvement.
  3. Simulations: Both manual and AI-powered simulations will be provided, offering pathways to achieving a CMS 5-Star Rating, improving Leapfrog scores, avoiding HRRP penalties, and maximizing VBP payouts. These simulations allow hospitals to explore various scenarios and outcomes.
  4. AI Advisor: Automated insights and early warning alerts regarding quality measures will be generated. This feature helps hospitals proactively manage their performance metrics and implement timely improvements.
  5. Scorecards, Measures, and Data: A consolidation of all relevant measures (such as readmission rates, mortality, HCAHPS) will be provided in one place. Additionally, tracking of disparate data sources will be facilitated to measure progress against goals and actions, offering a comprehensive view of performance.
  6. Goal Setting: Hospitals can set realistic and strategic goals based on simulations and organizational priorities. This alignment ensures that teams are focused and coordinated in their efforts to achieve improvements.
  7. Evidence-based Quality Management: Dexur's platform will track actions and interventions to confirm their effectiveness in meeting set goals. This approach ensures that the measures taken are data-driven and result-oriented.
  8. AI-based Risk Factor Identification: Using advanced AI algorithms, the platform will automatically identify risk factors impacting quality measures. This capability allows for more nuanced and targeted interventions.
  9. Best Practices: Hospitals will have access to expert-curated research and best practices for enhancing quality outcomes. This knowledge base is crucial for informed decision-making and adopting proven strategies for quality improvement.
  10. Incident and Case Management: Implementing a robust system for tracking and managing incidents and cases, enabling hospitals to efficiently identify, investigate, and resolve risk, quality, and safety issues. This system ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, facilitates continuous improvement, and enhances overall patient safety and care quality.
  11. Chart Abstraction Module: Dexur's chart abstraction software enhances its AI-driven unified platform, offering hospitals a comprehensive solution for quality and risk management. This integration advances healthcare management by streamlining data abstraction, improving operational efficiency, and providing deep AI-driven insights for better compliance and performance in programs like CMS Star Rating and Value-Based Purchasing. 


​​ Blog Posts:​


Case Study: Dexur's AI Quality Platform and NRC's Patient Experience Partnership Enhances Quality at Good Samaritan

Good Samaritan, a community healthcare Hospital in Vincennes, Indiana, in collaboration with Dexur and National Research Corporation (NRC), has advanced its capabilities in measuring and improving patient experience and quality metrics. This case study delves into the transformative effects of integrating Dexur's data analytics with NRC's patient survey expertise, enhancing Good Samaritan's performance across various critical healthcare quality metrics.

Angela R. Shick, Director of Quality & Risk / Patient Safety Officer at Good Samaritan, highlighted the impact of the partnership: "By integrating Dexur's analytics with NRC's patient experience insights, we can now see the full picture of our performance outcomes. This has been crucial in helping us strategically navigate through the complexities of healthcare quality metrics and patient satisfaction, leading to enhanced care delivery and operational excellence."

Continue reading the full case study here.


Dexur's 2024 CMS Star Rating Annual Predictions​

Dexur makes its annual predictions on CMS Star Ratings before CMS Star Ratings are published in July of every year. In 2023, Dexur had a 98% accuracy rate in its annual prediction rate. Dexur is organizing webinars on their 2024 Annual CMS Star Rating predictions at the following times:

Please register in advance to learn more about Dexur's 2024 predictions.


Dexur to Acquire COP from IHA, Enhancing AI-Driven Quality and Risk Management

Dexur, a leading provider of AI-driven unified quality and safety, risk, and incident management software, will acquire the Comparative Outcome Profile (COP) software from the Indiana Hospital Association (IHA). This strategic move aims to bolster Dexur's capabilities in offering comprehensive, AI-powered solutions to healthcare organizations.

The integration of COP into Dexur's unified software platform represents a significant advancement in the healthcare industry. Hospitals and health care providers will now have access to a modern, AI-driven platform that not only facilitates chart abstracted measures for submission to CMS, The Joint Commission (TJC), and other regulatory bodies but also enhances overall quality programs. This includes improvements in critical areas like CMS Star Rating and Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) which have chart abstracted measures such as SEP1.

Matt Browning, Senior Vice President of IHA, commented on the acquisition: "Dexur stands out as the best AI-driven solution to scale quality and risk management for hospitals. In the health care sector, there's a repetitive cycle of managing quality events, risk/incident management, and evaluating performance in programs like CMS Star Ratings. Dexur's innovative platform is uniquely positioned to unify these activities, offering a modern and efficient approach to managing these critical healthcare functions."

Nik Rao, CEO of Dexur, spoke about the acquisition aligning with the company's vision: "The acquisition of COP is a natural extension of Dexur's mission to be the foremost AI-driven unified Quality and Risk Management platform. The inclusion of COP's chart abstraction capabilities is a crucial element in empowering health care organizations to scale their quality and risk management efforts while also achieving cost reductions. This move represents a significant step forward in our commitment to providing cutting-edge, comprehensive solutions in the healthcare sector."

This acquisition marks a new era in health care management, promising enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in quality and risk management through advanced AI-driven technology. Current COP members are encouraged to reach out to Nik Rao at​ for more information, contracting terms.  


Free Access to AI Quality Insights
Find out what's influencing your quality scores with the free version of Dexur's AI Quality Advisor. The tool will automatically generate personalized, hospital-specific insights relative to CMS Star Rating, HRRP, VBP, and other programs. 

This free version represents a sampling of Dexur's comprehensive paid offerings, and it will produce a limited high value set of insights based on available Medicare claims data without relying on members to provide any additional data. IHA members can email Dexur​ to get set up to access the AI quality insights for your hospital. 


Hospitals are often surprised by the outcomes of CMS programs such as CMS Star Ratings, HRRP, and VBP. With dozens of measures and frequently changing algorithms, the Star Ratings, Hospital Readmissions Reduction, and Value-Based Purchasing programs follow a complex logic that can make it hard for hospitals to find a path to improvement. 

Dexur recently published a white paper on "Seven Ways Hospitals Can Avoid Surprises & Improve on CMS Star Ratings, HRRP Penalties, and VBP Payouts." Please email the Dexur team at to request the paper and also join their weekly newsletter on data, content, tips, and strategies to excel at quality programs. 

Read a snippet of the white paper here.​


Dexur provides predictions for CMS Programs such as HRRP, CMS Star Ratings, & VBP. If want your Hospital's forecasted readmission penalties for 2024, 2025 & 2026,  please email, and the team will set up a time with you for a personalized presentation and share their forecasted penalties. 


 Health care quality forecasting, research, data, and analytics.


Nikhilesh Rao
Chief Executive Officer ​​